Ok, I'm going overboard with these blogs today. What can I say...I have a lot to share. Recently I had an Alexander McQueen moment. I drove by his boutique on Melrose on my way to Saks shortly after his death. His boutique was closed but his devoted fans stopped to bring flowers to his storefront memorial. So I end up at Saks, aimlessly wandering for deals when I notice a McQueen scarf that calls to me. The scarf is his trademark skull scarf but the color was so subtle and so unlike the usual bold color choices. I just thought it was so different I had to have it! I walk over to the sales lady and told her I would like to purchase the scarf and to my surprise she says to me it's on sale. WHAT???? A McQueen scarf on sale when his death increased the sale of his scarves by 1400%? I guess that scarf was just meant to be mine. Perfect McQueen scarf $260...finding out this scarf was on sale for $79, PRICELESS!!!
Note: picture does not do the color of the scarf justice!
What a great find! I bought my green one at Zappos.com for 211 and thought that was a good deal. haha